Gloomy Day Fun for the Budget-Conscious

You made it! It’s finally the end of the work week, you can’t wait to do anything that doesn’t involve sitting in an office. Maybe you can get that hike in you’ve been thinking about all week. Disappointment sets in as you peek out the window to gaze upon a blustery, cloudy and plain gloomy day. And as misfortune would have it, there isn’t room left in the budget this week for a trip to the movies or an indoor game park.

However, this doesn’t have to call for an uneventful day. Iowa State Bank & Trust Company of Fairfield is here to give you some options to make the most of your day off! Here are some great low-cost activities you can do now.

Local Adventures

While you may not want to spend the gas money traveling out of town, this is an opportunity to explore places in the community you may not normally think of visiting. Local museums are typically low-cost and if you make it on certain days, they have discounts for the kiddos! You’d be surprised at how entertaining local history and innovation can be. Bring some friends with you so you can discuss what you learn.

Let’s not forget about the neglected library. They may even have free events going on! Join a book club, rent a book or take a free class about computer literacy. Nothing is easier on your wallet than the library.

If the library is closed on your gloomy day, check out local department stores. They may have a free class for you to take to learn about a DIY home improvement project. They teach a variety of classes from how to install a home security system to woodworking projects.

Host an Activity

Can’t go out? Bring people to you! There are probably others who are not digging the gloomy day, so invite them over for a game night. Everyone can bring their favorite board game and an appetizer to share.

What’s your favorite movie? Host a movie night or show marathon to watch with your friends. If you have kids, you can have two different movies playing. You can center your snacks around the theme of the movie with what you have in the pantry, or buy some generic items from the store. With a little creativity, you can make this a memorable event.

Plan a Vacation

“But it’s not in the budget.” This day is the perfect opportunity to not just daydream about a vacation, but get the wheels turning for how to practically get to the white sand beach or ride that elephant in Thailand. Break down what you want and how much you need, so you know what you need in savings to get there. Research average flight prices and best places to stay for the price – don’t forget to read those reviews! Maybe look around your place to see if there is anything worth selling that you are willing to part with. Once you have where and how, build an itinerary of everything you want to see while you are there! Adjust the budget sheet accordingly. Making your travel dreams become a reality is sure to boost your mood.

Any of these activities will be kind to your budget, and hopefully, boost your mood on this not so bright day.