Tag Archives: vehicles

Banking with Booth

For me, the most rewarding and satisfying part of my job has always been helping people buy that special ride they’ve been looking for, their kids’ first car, or if you’re like me, it’s simply time to upgrade a little. I’ve been doing this for a while now, and I have to tell you, it never gets old.

Many of us can recite every car, truck or motorcycle we ever owned. For most of us, it was a “rite of passage” as a teenager and a measure of pride and success as an adult.

The first car I remember was my Great Aunt Lucille’s red Mercury with push button controls. And like “Dennis the Menace” I so wanted to push those pretty buttons. (I was very, very young 🙂 ).

When Steve and I were married in 1971, he had an Oldsmobile he bought from his grandparents. The day of our wedding, his buddies hooked the horn to the brakes. When we drove away from the church in Richland to head to Cedar Rapids, the horn blared every time Steve stepped on the brakes! Ahhhh, good times.

Our next car was a Chrysler New Yorker Steve bought at an auction. The day after the auction, the previous owner knocked on our door explaining he had left some pictures under the driver’s seat and would we mind if he retrieved them. Of course we didn’t mind, but I have wondered just what (or who) those pictures were of.

We had two Buicks next. When we traded our first one in, the dealer called the next day. We had left two 50 lb. bags of oats and a pair of work boots in the truck. He seemed surprised. Apparently he didn’t deal with a lot of farmers.

In 2002, I bought my very first brand new car. I’m still driving it, but I’m starting to contemplate the possibility of getting something a little newer………………and with a backup camera. That’s a story for another time!

At Iowa State Bank & Trust Co., we have many great loan products and skilled bankers to make the entire process quick and easy. As a locally owned bank, you will always know where to come to, no matter what your financing needs may be. Let’s you and I sit down and see what we can do to put you in a new or used car of your choosing. I’m on the first floor at our 4th and Burlington location.

– Susan Booth, VP Consumer Lending