Tag Archives: personal banking

Community Banking: Why It’s a Wonderful Life

Community Banking

As the seasons begin to change, and the holidays approach, our team at Iowa State Bank would like to share all the wonderful reasons we are grateful to be a community bank. Just like Mr. George Bailey, in the classic tale, It’s a Wonderful Life, we have found countless people and experiences that make our bank lucky to consider this community home:

It’s all About the People: Unlike the big banks of America, our small and locally-owned operation prides itself on putting our people first, making the success of our customers the bank’s number one priority. Just like the old Building and Loan, Iowa State Bank strives to help our customers make their home ownership dreams become a reality.

Growth Engine for Small Business: We succeed when you succeed. Just as George Bailey invested funds in Mr. Martini’s home and business, Iowa State Bank is here to offer advice and financing on your next home or commercial project. We want to help you and our hometown community grow, just like Bedford Falls.

Built on Long Lasting Relationships: The movie’s guardian Clarence, was a very wise man saying, “No man is a failure who has friends.” At Iowa State Bank we pride ourselves on not only helping our customers with their finances, but also building relationships with them as well. If you have a question on how to budget, which retirement plans to look at, or other money management inquiries, consider us your friendly neighborhood adviser!

Community Backed: Instead of being underwritten by Mr. Potter, or other national big banks, our institution is built directly upon the needs and wants of our community’s citizens. With no higher ups attempting to monopolize the town, our dedicated team of officers works to build up the community, and the men and women who call it home.

Employees Local Citizens: Just like George and Uncle Billy, Iowa State Bank is filled with fun and lovable characters. We take great pride in employing local citizens throughout our company, and helping them grow within the banking industry. If you’re looking for a new career, stop in and see if Iowa State Bank is right for you!

Get to know all of us at Iowa State Bank and discover how community banking can help you achieve a wonderful life. For everything from personal financing, to commercial lending, we have the perfect solution for you. Get started today and share your next financial goal with us, we’ll help you shoot for the moon!

10 Ways to Save Money in College

Save Money in College

10 Ways to Save Money In College

With delicacies such as ramen, easy mac, and PB&J, college doesn’t always seem as glamorous as it is in the movies. Learn how to build up your bank account this year with these helpful savings tips courtesy of Iowa State Bank! We’ll show you how to make the most of your dining dollars, classroom supplies, and other on campus opportunities!

  1. Books. Instead of purchasing those $300+ textbooks, utilize your university’s library and study using the same materials without any of the cost!
  2. Coffee. Get the best bang for your buck when you go for your next caffeine fix. Many coffee shops offer free wifi for studying in addition to free refills on basics coffee and teas. Simply purchase the size of your choosing, and stick around for a proper study session complete with all the coffee you need!
  3. Meal Plans. Dining dollars aren’t just for dinner. Utilize those additional funds to purchase other necessities such as toiletries to ensure you never leave any allocated dollars unused.
  4. Student Activities. Keep tabs on school events. With many university sponsored events offering free food or drinks, students tend to jump at the opportunity, so it’s best to arrive early!
  5. Scholarships. You never know until you try, or in this case submit, but in many cases writing a simple essay and answering some questions is all you need to do to be considered for a $500+ scholarship.
  6. Student Discounts. They’re everywhere; whether you’re on campus, or out and about, always be sure to carry your student ID to save a little extra money at various retailers.
  7. Loan Interest. Start paying off your student loans ASAP. Compounding interest especially can rack up additional expenses quickly, so be sure to begin paying down your debt as soon as you can.
  8. Cars. Ride your bike around campus instead of paying for costly gas, auto maintenance, and parking passes. During the winter months, you can skip waiting in the cold for the parking lot shuttle, and warm up as you cycle home!
  9. Recycle. Those pop cans and soda bottles can be valuable. It may not seem like a lot of money at first, but over time you’ll find yourself saving more and more.
  10. Work. Get a part-time job during the school year that offers great benefits like free gym membership, discounted meals, or free drinks!

Whether you’re a first year, or a PhD student, there are countless ways to save some green throughout your college years. Let us help you tuck away some of those valuable dollars with a structured savings account at Iowa State Bank!

The Most Common Phishing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Phishing Scams

The Most Common Phishing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Phishing is a common term for the unfortunate schemes hackers and online criminals use to lure users into giving their personal information. Typically disguised as familiar online activity, these scam artists have cleverly found several distinctive ways to attempt to trick YOU into handing over your private details. Be on the lookout for these common phishing scams next time you’re roaming the web!

  1.   Foreign Lottery Scam
    With this tactic you generally receive an email informing you that you have just won the lottery of some far-away land! To obtain these exorbitant funds you simply have to send a small fee to cover the transfer cost. A simple online search will show that this thrilling lottery is no more than phony website with a long distance phone number. Typically if the sending address doesn’t look familiar, or if you have not applied to any foreign lotteries, it will be a dead giveaway that this email is just an attempt to get your information and your money.
  1.   Survey Scam
    Do you like supporting the humane society or other animal organizations? This scam takes advantage of your online history and sends you a survey to submit your opinion on issues that matter to you. Instead of using your responses on animal treatment, this system discovers your email address, and other relative personal information, to hack your account and send out further spam emails.
  1.   Online Banking Scam
    Most phishing schemes disguise themselves as something familiar, often as PayPal or even your personal bank. This particular scam typically indicates that some type of immediate action is needed, and your financial account is at risk. Before sending any type of reply communication, check the source of the email, and call your personal contact at the organization to see if the email is legitimate. If you question the validity of any portion of the email, delete it and call the company this con artist is attempting to masquerade as ASAP.
  1.   Clickbait
    Social media has a hacking arena all its own. With links scattered across newsfeeds, it’s often hard to determine what is genuine and what is clickbait. Clickbait is a link generated using common controversial issues to get you to click on it. Once clicked, the link may switch to a Facebook login, where you login again. Unfortunately this false login page is a common maneuver by cyber criminals to get your social media login. Having this information, online criminals can now access your account and spam the people you are connected with.

If you think you’ve been a victim of an online phishing scam and your personal banking information has been compromised, call Iowa State Bank. We’ll help you watch for signs of identity theft within your personal bank accounts.

Saving Time on Managing Your Finances

Financial Management Tips


You’re busy, and we understand that. Between work, your family and what feels like a million other things, sometimes effectively managing your finances doesn’t make it to the top of the priority list. But having organized finances makes managing your finances easier and helps you get into a routine. Iowa State Bank is here to offer you some tips that will make managing your finances easier.

Start Maintaining a Monthly Schedule

For the most part, the bills you receive every month come at a certain time and have a certain due date that doesn’t change drastically from month to month. By developing a monthly schedule that tells you when bills need to be paid, and how much you need to pay each month, you can find out where you can save for an unexpected expense.

Organize Your Documents

This strategy is really no different than what you used to do in school by dividing materials for different classes into different folders. If you know where everything is, you’re likely to have fewer problems managing your finances. Develop a system to help you organize your different monthly bills, like your credit card statements, student loans or mortgage paperwork, and store paperwork related to those materials in their proper place each month.

Technology is a Big Help

Whether it’s receiving e-statements so you have a copy of your bank statements in your email inbox or using our online banking and bill pay services, Iowa State Bank offers services to make banking easier. These services allow you to set up recurring payments for bills and to check your balance with a simple login to our secure system.

Iowa State Bank wants to make your banking experience simpler. We offer several online banking services to help make managing your finances easier. And if you use these tips, you can help make things easier for yourself, too. If you want more advice about organizing your finances, please contact us.