Tag Archives: money management

Money Management for College Students


If you’re fortunate, your parents may have taught you how to save your allowance or a certain percentage of each paycheck. However, if those skills weren’t taught to you or you just plain didn’t listen, we are here to help you at the beginning of your financial journey as an adult! Stay tuned for some simple tips you can start doing now to strengthen your current and future financial habits.

1. Create a Budget

Most adults who have been managing their money for years have yet to figure out how to stick to a budget. You now have the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve by building the right habits now. Most people are under the false assumption that they have to have a lot of money in order to budget. This is not true, as no matter how much money you do or don’t have, everyone should have a budget. This will help you to control your spending and saving.

You first need to decide what amount you want to put into savings every month. Next, determine how much money you need to spend on rent, food and other bills. You can make as many categories as you like. You especially need to have a category for fun. Use it as you please, but when it is gone, it’s gone. You are making a promise to yourself that your financial security is more important than a splurge.

2. Buy Used, Not New

Unfortunately, the cost of new textbooks is astronomical. As a college student, it is most often going to be wiser to buy used than new. With a used textbook, you will pay significantly less and may even be lucky to see the former owner’s notes. Think about what other purchases you need to make and if it would be better to buy them used. The answer will often be yes.

3. Be Smart With Your Credit

It is a great idea to start building up your credit history. However, if you aren’t paying off what is due at the end of every month, a credit card may not be the right choice for you. Deep credit card debt burdens many because they made purchases that they could simply not afford. Be sure to use the card for needed items and not sudden splurges.

4. Take Advantage of Free Entertainment

One great part of being a college student is all of the free activities that your campus has to offer! There’s no reason you need to spend money going to a big movie theater when most college campuses have their own movie showings free for students every weekend. Check out your campus Student Activities Board to see what free fun you can get in on!

5. Use Cash
This is a great rule for anyone, not only college students. However, we believe it is a helpful habit to start now. If you have a problem with impulse purchases, we recommend using the “fun money” portion of your budget as cash only.

If you go out to have fun with friends for the night, you know the exact amount of money you have to spend. No more, no less. For some reason, it is much harder to spend cash than it is to make a purchase on a card. This will help you to control your spending when you’re having fun.

We have plenty of savings options available for college students looking to grow their funds! Take a look to see what option suits your needs best.

The Best Financial Quotes and How to Use Them


There are endless famous quotes amongst Facebook newsfeeds and Reddit threads, however, time and time again people seem to hold fast to their favored stand-bys. For topics ranging on everything from love to education, the wise words of others seem to implement a perspective in our lives that may be left vacant otherwise. To help you achieve your financial aspirations this year, Iowa State Bank would like to share the quotations we hold dear, to help encourage you along the way.

“Of this be sure: you do not find the happy life… You make it.” -Thomas S. Monson

The meaning of this phrase can be as simple or as complex as you see it. For us, it is a calming and reassuring reminder that the emergency fund, retirement plan, and vacation fund are all worth the effort. Unfortunately, no one will offer us a trip to Mexico for free, but with dedicated work and savings, WE can make it happen for ourselves and our loved ones.

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” -Weil

This quote can be applied to both personal and business relationships. The more time you invest in a person, the more value they hold for you or your company. Whether it’s taking the time to answer customer questions, making it to your child’s basketball game, or simply being willing to pick up a phone call from a frazzled friend, giving someone your time is the ultimate connection to others. If you’re looking to improve a relationship, budget, or business, investing your time into it is the best place to start.

“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” -Steve Jobs

Whether you’re working on restructuring your personal finances or trying to determine your most profitable product, the first step in finding a remedy is identifying the ailment. In the example of a budget, knowing what you’re spending, earning, and saving offers a visual into potential issues, so you can further adjust those efforts into a constructed monthly plan. This is the same with many things in life. By speaking with others, and getting all the cards on the table, you can ensure that problem is first made clear before the appropriate solution is determined.

“Never be afraid to try. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.” -Unknown

The worst action you can take is no action at all. No matter what challenge you are facing, always remember that the failure to act is the only true defeat. If you’re looking to start saving for retirement, expand your business, or tackle your debt, the first thing you have to do is start. No matter how you start, the biggest obstacle of your task will be committing to your end objective. At Iowa State Bank, we want to help you succeed in both your personal and financial life. If you need a helping hand with your next venture, stop by our nearest office, and we’d be happy to lend an ear.

Fix-Up Your Budget


HGTV’s latest hit show, Fixer Upper, has fans and home buyers looking for new ways to save and restore old homes. While Chip and Joanna have become experts in home renovation, they’re not too shabby when it comes to finances either. Using their home building skills and our banking knowledge we offer these top tips to help fix up your budget in 2017:

  • Build a Strong Foundation

Just as a home cannot stand without a solid base, neither can your personal finances. To begin building the foundation to your finances, it is imperative to start a monthly budget. This system can help you organize how much money is coming in and out each and every month, allowing you to allocate funds for both spending and saving.

  • Make the Most of the Unexpected

Shiplap has become a household world thanks to Joanna’s love of this Texas home material. Often covered up by sheet rock, it is always a great find to add something special to the house. Similarly, should you uncover any income that you weren’t expecting, we suggest making the most of it by contributing to your IRA or other savings fund.

  • Take Advantage of Open Space

It seems every time Joanna finds a wall in a home project, you hear the words, “Open space.” By constructing areas that are connected instead of separated, she’s uncovered a way to not only make a home more welcoming but your spending too. Add this concept into your budget, and enjoy the feeling of flexibility in your monthly allocations. If your household remains stocked from bulk ordering, or your entertainment is your kiddos for a month, embrace those savings and shift your spending to another room of the house.

  • Always Take Free Advice

Chip and Joanna offer endless tips and tricks to their home flipping business. Always full of great ideas, and sage advice, these two make a consistent effort to give their viewers a leg up on their next home project. Similarly, our team at Iowa State Bank wants to help you work to achieve your next financial goal! Whether it’s saving for your first home, purchasing a new vehicle, or setting a plan for your retirement, we’d love to offer our experience to help make your financial dream a reality.

Whether you watch Fixer Upper every week or are just starting this addicting series, we hope you keep your eyes peeled for other great financial tips. You may find more money management advice than you’d think!

Generational Financial Habits: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z.

Spending and Saving

When it comes to your spending habits, your age may influence your decisions more than you think! Depending on your generation, there may be some key patterns that differentiate you from your older and younger counterparts. Discover your key financial traits with this helpful guide courtesy of Iowa State Bank.


Baby Boomers

Typically classified as the savers of the modern age, many of those age 51-70 are known for tucking away funds as quickly as they can accumulate them. Many baby boomers were affected by both the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations and hold strong sense of mistrust of the system. There are many in this generation who choose savings options outside of financial institutions. This large generation of approximately 70 million people, is currently in the process leaving the workforce and entering retirement. The most important item on their financial agenda is to save and secure funds for the decades of life they will enjoy outside nine to five.


Generation X

Often overshadowed by the large baby boomers ahead of them, generation X’ers tend to be strong willed and decisive, fighting for their share of the financial pie. Having been one of the first generations to experience divorce as a normal occurrence, many of those adults age 40-50 continue to look out for their individual financial wellbeing through strictly defensive tactics. Boasting on the highest education rates, this group makes strategic savings plans, constantly preparing for the ball to drop. They are best known for their cautious optimism and lofty financial goals.



The current generation of twenty and thirtysomethings, were shaped by a highly digital world. Growing up in the age of computers and terrorism, these young adults believe that the typical American dream, may be slightly skewed. In many areas, home and car ownership is on the decline as more and more millennials strive to gain experiences over material possessions. Influenced by their parental counterparts, it is common to see this generation shying away from long term debt after seeing their parents succumb to missed payments and foreclosures during the 2008 economic crash. Couple that cautious initiative with crippling student loans and added inflation, where now today many college graduates are working multiple jobs to simply make ends meet.


Generation Z

The up-and-coming generation of the century, this group is the first age demographic to grow up completely immersed in digital technology. The days of cell phones and computers encompassed their childhood, and many of those age 0-20 have never known life without the digital realm. Still relatively young, these Gen Z’s take diversification to the next level, not trusting too much in any one entity. With advancing diagnostic systems this generation takes time and consideration into account before making any major life decision. As this generation ages, more experiences and choices will continue to shape their financial style.


No matter what generation you are a part of, there are a variety of ways you can improve your financial habits. Speak with one of our experienced personal bankers today, and we’ll show you how to get started!

What Your Teen Needs to Know About Money Management

Money Management

Throughout their teenage years, your children will begin to grow their personal money management style. Offer them some assistance by offering these four financial lessons from Iowa State Bank.


Securing Their First Job

No matter if it’s babysitting, lifeguarding, or bagging groceries, there are plenty of employment options for eager high school students. These opportunities typically start at minimum wage with zero benefits, but offer a foundation of experience and learning. Talk with your son or daughter, and help them select positions to apply for that resonate with them. Resources such as the Chamber of Commerce often list local job openings, and are a good place to comb for recent availabilities.


Managing Money

The younger you begin various habits, the better they stick with you. Teach your children the positive effect proper money management can have on their pocketbook. Start by opening both a savings and a checking account for your teen. Each pay period, help them figure ten percent of their earnings to put into their savings. You can also work with them one-on-one each month to help balance their checkbook and plan for any large expenditures.


Saving for College

Secondary education isn’t cheap. If your son or daughter plans on attending a college or trade school, the time to start saving is now! Work with your future student to determine an educational budget, providing an estimate of upcoming expenses. Once you know the amount needed you can set savings goals for both you and your teen to start tucking money away. The sooner you begin your savings journey the smoother the road will be to your target amount.


Making Payments

Whether it’s purchasing their first car or simply covering the cost of meals at school, learning how to maintain a payment plan is an important life lesson. Explain your personal bill paying system to your teen and see how they can tailor it to their needs. Once they have a grasp on the system itself, gradually add payments to your child’s list of responsibilities, even if you add the money to their account. This will help them learn to keep an updated payment calendar before they graduate high school.


Money management is a continual learning process. There are always new techniques or tricks to better arrange your finances. Don’t stop honing your teen’s money management after these four lessons – stop by Iowa State Bank and see how you can keep growing your family’s financial skills today!


What Your Birth Order Says About Your Money Management


Every family knows there’s a difference between the various siblings, but why is that? Many psychologists agree, birth order plays a large role! Each member of your family is generally rooted in one of four personality types which help define their core behaviors and beliefs. Discover how these traits can translate to your money management style at Iowa State Bank.

First Born: Typically the leader of the family, first borns are strong minded and organized with a heavy protective tendency. Many of those born first err on the side of caution, creating savings accounts for emergencies and unexpected situations. This sibling tends to enjoy being in charge and knowing all the variables. Any expenses, debts, or other monthly bills will be allocated and prepared accordingly. First borns tend to work towards their dreams, and may have the downfall of taking a financial risk to do so.

Middle Child: Always the people pleaser, middle children are most known for helping others. If you need an extra buck or two for lunch, this sibling will the the first to lend a hand. Often on the rebellious side, the middle child may be more apt to invest in some riskier stocks, but depending if they pan out, it could make financial sense in the long run. Typically talkative and social, many middle children challenge the norm and create new versions of savings schemes. This sibling will be the first to try the next and best retirement plan before storing away long term savings.

Last Born: Optimism, attention, and organization generally drive the youngest of the siblings. After learning from the mistakes of the older members of the family, this child typically has most financial questions answered before ever needing to ask. This sibling will be the guru of rewards points, always finding the best perks and benefits for various programs. Always looking on the bright side, the last born is compelled to live the best of their life now, assured the future will work itself out later.

Only Child: Frequently told they’re mature for their age, the only child is known for their leadership, sophistication, and drive towards perfection. The typical only child will have a detailed account record with meticulous payment upkeep. These individuals strive to be the best, and are determined to achieve their goals. Expect them to have a strategic savings plan, retirement investing, and a well-rounded home improvement fund. Always up for a challenge, only children can often be great investors seeking out the best stock options for their needs.

No matter your place within the family tree, you’ll always have a financial partner with Iowa State Bank. Whichever goal you’re aiming to tackle next, we’ll help you achieve it!

Saving Time on Managing Your Finances

Financial Management Tips


You’re busy, and we understand that. Between work, your family and what feels like a million other things, sometimes effectively managing your finances doesn’t make it to the top of the priority list. But having organized finances makes managing your finances easier and helps you get into a routine. Iowa State Bank is here to offer you some tips that will make managing your finances easier.

Start Maintaining a Monthly Schedule

For the most part, the bills you receive every month come at a certain time and have a certain due date that doesn’t change drastically from month to month. By developing a monthly schedule that tells you when bills need to be paid, and how much you need to pay each month, you can find out where you can save for an unexpected expense.

Organize Your Documents

This strategy is really no different than what you used to do in school by dividing materials for different classes into different folders. If you know where everything is, you’re likely to have fewer problems managing your finances. Develop a system to help you organize your different monthly bills, like your credit card statements, student loans or mortgage paperwork, and store paperwork related to those materials in their proper place each month.

Technology is a Big Help

Whether it’s receiving e-statements so you have a copy of your bank statements in your email inbox or using our online banking and bill pay services, Iowa State Bank offers services to make banking easier. These services allow you to set up recurring payments for bills and to check your balance with a simple login to our secure system.

Iowa State Bank wants to make your banking experience simpler. We offer several online banking services to help make managing your finances easier. And if you use these tips, you can help make things easier for yourself, too. If you want more advice about organizing your finances, please contact us.