The Best Financial Quotes and How to Use Them


There are endless famous quotes amongst Facebook newsfeeds and Reddit threads, however, time and time again people seem to hold fast to their favored stand-bys. For topics ranging on everything from love to education, the wise words of others seem to implement a perspective in our lives that may be left vacant otherwise. To help you achieve your financial aspirations this year, Iowa State Bank would like to share the quotations we hold dear, to help encourage you along the way.

“Of this be sure: you do not find the happy life… You make it.” -Thomas S. Monson

The meaning of this phrase can be as simple or as complex as you see it. For us, it is a calming and reassuring reminder that the emergency fund, retirement plan, and vacation fund are all worth the effort. Unfortunately, no one will offer us a trip to Mexico for free, but with dedicated work and savings, WE can make it happen for ourselves and our loved ones.

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” -Weil

This quote can be applied to both personal and business relationships. The more time you invest in a person, the more value they hold for you or your company. Whether it’s taking the time to answer customer questions, making it to your child’s basketball game, or simply being willing to pick up a phone call from a frazzled friend, giving someone your time is the ultimate connection to others. If you’re looking to improve a relationship, budget, or business, investing your time into it is the best place to start.

“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” -Steve Jobs

Whether you’re working on restructuring your personal finances or trying to determine your most profitable product, the first step in finding a remedy is identifying the ailment. In the example of a budget, knowing what you’re spending, earning, and saving offers a visual into potential issues, so you can further adjust those efforts into a constructed monthly plan. This is the same with many things in life. By speaking with others, and getting all the cards on the table, you can ensure that problem is first made clear before the appropriate solution is determined.

“Never be afraid to try. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.” -Unknown

The worst action you can take is no action at all. No matter what challenge you are facing, always remember that the failure to act is the only true defeat. If you’re looking to start saving for retirement, expand your business, or tackle your debt, the first thing you have to do is start. No matter how you start, the biggest obstacle of your task will be committing to your end objective. At Iowa State Bank, we want to help you succeed in both your personal and financial life. If you need a helping hand with your next venture, stop by our nearest office, and we’d be happy to lend an ear.