Tag Archives: home

5 Creative Ways to Save for Your New Home


You’ve made the decision that you are tired of renting and ready to step into the world of home ownership. Good for you! You may be wondering what your next steps should be in order to be financially prepared for this major investment. Here are some creative ways to ramp up your savings for this exciting adventure!

1. Consider a Move Now

Is the place you’re living now truly the most cost effective for your budget? Consider moving to a temporary location that can significantly trim your monthly expenses. This is especially helpful if your home purchase is far into the future. No, it might not be the nicest place you’ve ever lived in, but imagine your dream home even closer on the horizon because of the sacrifices you are making right now. Place all of the added savings directly into your savings account.

2. Show Up for Your Budget

Many people begin the new year with excitement about all of the ways they are going to change their purchasing habits in order to achieve their big financial goals. However, like most resolutions, they are abandoned within the first few months. This is the time for you to show up for yourself, your goals and your budget. How? By continually reviewing how you are meeting or faltering your savings goal on a weekly basis. This will keep the financial goal of buying your first home at the forefront of your mind.

3. Purge and Sell Your Belongings

This is a great way to prepare for the big move in more ways than one. Like many adults, we have plenty of items that we don’t need or use gathering dust in our closet. It’s time to part ways and sell them at a garage sale or post them online. Put the profits directly into saving for the down payment that will likely be a minimum of 3.5 percent.

4. Look for a Side Gig

Every little bit counts! If you even have ten hours a week extra that you could commit towards another job, it can be a big boost to your savings. Whether it’s freelance work in an area you are experienced in or applying to be a server at a local restaurant, this is a great way to see your savings climb.

5. Automate Savings

Although this isn’t exactly creative, we would be remiss to not include this incredibly important part of any savings plan. For every amount of money you take in, automate a percentage of that towards your savings account to take any of the temptations of spending out of the mix.

Open a savings account today to begin to build the funds you need for your dream home.

5 To-Dos Before Buying a Home


Are you about to begin the hunt for your future home? We understand that the home buying process can become overwhelming, which is why we’d like to offer you a little insight. Start your home buying journey off right by completing this checklist!

Strengthen your credit.

A 620 FICO score means you can get a mortgage, but that doesn’t mean you’ll want to. According to recent data from myFICO.com, someone with the minimum credit score can expect to pay over $82,000 more in interest over the life of a $250,000, 30-year mortgage than a person with a 760-plus score. Working on making your credit higher, such as paying bills on time, will help lower your interest and save you some big bucks.

Get preapproved for a mortgage.

This is a very important step, and sadly, it’s missed frequently. Getting preapproved means you’ll have some advantage over other potential buyers. This letter shows Realtors and sellers that you’re serious about buying and provides evidence that you have the funds to pay for the home. Set up an appointment with us to get preapproved and utilize our handy-dandy mortgage calculators!

Figure out how much house you can afford.

You may get preapproved for a certain amount and have a good portion of money put away in savings, so why not spend it all on a home? Even though you have the funds, be sure to think ahead to future bills and emergency expenses that will have to be paid. You’ll also need to plan on spending in the range of 1-3% of the home’s price for closing costs. It’s important to downsize your budget a bit in order to make future costs and purchases feasible.

Get a real estate agent.

Hiring an agent does cost money, but they will help you through every step of the way. Real estate agents will make sure all of your closing documents are in order and give you recommendations on trusted inspectors, which will take a lot of stress off of you. They supply you with the knowledge of the buying process, so you don’t miss any steps.

Schedule an inspection.

Once you find your home sweet home, it’s important to cover your bases. Schedule an inspection to be sure a new HVAC system or roof isn’t in the near future. You’re going to be spending a large sum of cash, so spending a little more to have everything checked out is a good plan of action.

Congratulations! You’re now on the right track to becoming a homeowner. Iowa State Bank offers mortgage options that fit your lifestyle. Stop in or give us a call to discuss your options today.

How to Save for A House Down Payment

down payment

If you’re looking to buy a house, having a larger down payment will offer you a lot less financial stress in the long run. However, in order to put a larger sum of money down, you will need to take the right steps to save. Follow these 5 steps and you will be on your way to being a first-time home owner!

Step 1: Figure out how much you will need to save – If possible, secure a number or range on the amount you can responsibly spend on a house. You can plan to sit down with a mortgage lender or use a home buying calculator to help figure out how much you can afford. With the use of a calculator, be sure to remember that it will not take in account every aspect of your financials.

Step 2: Find the best ways to save –  After you know an estimated range of how much you need to save, the next step is to figure out what expenses you can cut down – maybe skip vacations for year. The money you would spend on vacation can make a huge contribution toward a down payment. Next, take a look at your monthly expenses and see what you can reduce or eliminate; put that extra money into a down payment savings account. Lastly, work more. This may be easier said than done, but when there is opportunity to work an extra shift or add on hours, do it. Working more will be worth it when you are able to find your dream home!

Step 3: Transfer a fixed amount into a savings account each month – In addition to saving that extra money, set up a savings account specific for your house down payment. Then, with each paycheck you receive, have a certain amount automatically taken out each time and deposited into that savings account. That way it will remove any temptation to spend the money on other purchases. Before you know it, you will have enough money for a down payment.

Step 4: Leave room for flexibility in your savings – With all of this saving, it is equally important to leave room for flexibility. There will be other demands on your finances such as: car repairs, uncovered medical expenses or even loss of a job. You will need to be ready when and if these happen to occur – it is also helpful to create an emergency fund!

Step 5: Reduce your high interest rate debt – If you have high interest rates on your credit cards, it can painfully limit your ability to save. For this last step, do yourself a favor and pay off those high interest credit cards. Begin with your highest card and once that is paid off, close it and proceed to the next card. Lastly, transfer your credit card balances to the card with the lowest interest rate.

The process of buying a house can be very long and probably will require a big hunk of your savings. However, creating a larger sum for your down payment will sure be rewarding when you become a first-time home owner! Follow these 5 steps, and we can ensure much less stress in the long run.

Fall and Winter Home Prep to Save You Money

As the seasons change, so do your bills. However, finding new ways to save can be tricky when you’re already super savvy. By creating a good savings foundation during the fall and winter, you will be able to start 2018 off in a healthy financial state. That’s why Iowa State Bank & Trust Company of Fairfield has compiled a list of tips and tricks to prepare your home for the seasons to come in order to save some cash!

Install energy-efficient windows

A low-emissivity glass also known as Low-E glass helps block the rays of the sun up to 90 percent, and keeps the heat inside when it’s cold. Energy Star estimates those who replace a single-pane window with an energy-efficient model will save $126-$465 annually. Now multiply that times the number of windows you replace and you’re looking at quite the savings.

Lower water heating temperature

If you lower your water heating temperature, you will save 4-22 percent yearly on your bill. Instead of allowing the water to get scalding hot, you can set it to only become warm which will increase your savings every time you shower, wash your hands, or do dishes.

Adjust the temperature

By turning back your thermostat by 7-10 degrees for 8 hours a day, you can save up to 10 percent each year on heating and cooling bills. Each time you raise your heat by one degree, your heating bill raises three percent, so it’s important to avoid that mistake.

Weather stripping

Thirty to 40 percent of your heating costs are lost to air leaks, according to Energy Star. That’s why it’s important to find where drafts are coming from to cover the leaks with weather stripping materials, which start off at around $5.

Replace light fixtures

If you replace your home’s five most frequently-used light fixture bulbs with energy efficient ones, you can save $75 a year. Imagine if you did that with more bulbs!

Fix leaking faucets

If you fix a leaky faucet, you will save $35 and 1,661 gallons of water if it drips one drip per second. Little things like a leaky faucet end up having a big impact on your bills over time, so be sure to check your nozzles.

We hope these home hacks will help you save this fall, winter, and hopefully the seasons to come! Contact Iowa State Bank & Trust Company of Fairfield if you have questions about what else you can do in order to grow your savings.