Tag Archives: holiday

Using the Holidays to Teach Your Kids About Money

When fall hits, that means that the holidays are approaching. During these special occasions, kids are exposed to a different setting where they get gifts, large meals, cards, and more. That’s why Iowa State Bank of Fairfield believes that this time of the year is a great opportunity to teach your children about money. Below are a few ideas on how to incorporate your children into the holiday financial mix!

Identify the costs of the holiday season.

Gifts are a big cost, and children never realize how much it adds up. By putting a monetary limit on the gifts each child and family member gets, your kids will be able to see the value of each gift. Wrapping paper and gift bags are also a cost you need to identify to your child, along with the supplies needed such as tape and tissue paper. Cards and letters to family members can add up too, especially if you’re using postage. By allowing your child to understand that the cards they receive and send actually cost money, they will appreciate them more and try to find a way to save, possibly by making their own. Finally, the meals made for each holiday add up quite a bit, so this is another helpful way to teach your child about finances.

Limit gift giving outside of immediate family with homemade gifts.

This is another way you can cut costs if you have people outside of your immediate family you’d like to give gifts to. Ideas for these easy and efficient gifts include:

  • Cookies
  • Cake in a mug or other mug mixes
  • Spice rubs
  • Trail mixes
  • Brownies
  • Tea & hot chocolate

The ingredients for these gifts can all be bought in bulk, making them inexpensive options.

Take your children shopping with you.

When you bring your child with you shopping, tell them what the budget is. Then, let them look for items that are on sale or have special deals.

Use your receipts to create a tally of your expenses.

Not only does this help you keep track of what you’ve spent, but it also shows your kids how small costs can add up over time.

Teaching your children the value of money will help them grow to be financially responsible. So when you go to get groceries for a holiday dinner or gifts for a family member, have your child be involved in the process. You can also set up a savings account with Iowa State Bank of Fairfield to teach your kids the value of saving!

Scary Sweets for Halloween


At Iowa State Bank, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays! We love resurrecting recipes each year for both neighborhood and community Halloween parties. Before you start planning your next Halloween bash, be sure to add these dangerous delicacies to your list of spooky specialties!

Witch’s Fingers: These pretzel rods add a delicious and haunting bite to any attendee’s plate! Simply cover each pretzel in melted bright green chocolate and attach an almond at the tip. Make them even more realistic by painting the almonds black with food coloring, and adding creases in the fingers.

Bug Cups: Surprise your guests with these crawling cups. Comprised of gummy treats, jello, and crushed Oreos, this easy desserts will entertain your party as they dig their way through the tasty treat.

Witch’s Brew: Filled with pickled beet and ogre’s toe, this gruesome drink will give you all the energy you need for a fun-filled evening of trick-or-treating. For the adults concocting this brew, you may find a mix of orange juice, sparkling grape juice, and sparkling apple juice will make for a the most fruitful potion.

Pumpkin Cake: A magical Halloween sweet, this delicious pastry is created to look just like a jack-o-lantern. Remember to customize your design with your family’s favorite pumpkin carving!

Halloween Cookie Cake: Covered in slime and bark, this famous treat is the perfect treat for exhausted halloween monsters. Give your little monsters a slice after trick-or-treating or before watching a family scary movie!

Caramel Apple Nacho Bar: Tailor your recipe to your own terrorizing tastes with this ooey gooey spread. You can choose the best ghoulish garnishes for your and your guests!

Jello Worms: Scare your friends with these creepy crawlers. Just combine your favorite jello, plain gelatin, and hot water to get these critters moving.

Jack-o-Lantern Pies: Be sure to scoop up these horrifying hand pies for your next event. With a simple crust, and a scrumptious filling, these decadent desserts are sure to be a hit any fall festivity.

Butterbeer Hot Chocolate: For all the witches and wizards out there, this classic drink will make you want to say, “Repello Muggletum!” Get started and craft a cup for one, or for the entire place, this is a recipe you’ll want to try again and again!