Monthly Archives: September 2018

5 Fun Money Challenges to Try


Finding different ways to save can be tough, however, we want to encourage you to stay on track and jumpstart your finances. With these fun money challenges, you can push yourself to become the savvy saver we know you can be!

  1.   52 Week Face Off

Instead of changing your spending habits overnight, try this challenge. Over the course of the year, you’ll end up with a grand slam total of $1,378. Start by putting one dollar in a jar the Monday of week number one. Increase it by a dollar each consecutive week to watch your savings grow. This means week two will get two dollars, then up to fifty-two on the last week.

  1.   Spare Change Stash

Those extra coins and dollar bills can add up in a hurry if you let them. Have your hubby or gal add to the stash as well to increase the amount saved. You can let this fund go towards a trip or that new couch you’ve been wanting. Challenging yourself to add to it every day, whether it’s a few leftover pennies or a couple dollar bills, will keep you engaged in your game.

  1.   No Spend Ordinance

Designate a “No Spend Day.” Every week, plan out your expenses so you will not spend a dime on Tuesdays – or whatever day you choose. You can also begin to track your expenses, as mentioned below, and cut out the luxuries. By only spending money on the necessities, you will have a greater appreciation for the little things… and a larger wallet!

  1.   Tracking Tangent

Track every single expense you make, even if it just costs a quarter. Try starting out with thirty days and lengthen the amount of days you track as time goes on. When you see what you spend money on, you’ll notice what items you can do without. Categorizing necessities against wants is a big step in deciding what you will continue to put cash towards.

  1.   Dine-In Deluxe

Eating out can put a dent in your wallet – and fast! Challenge yourself to eat at home for 30 days. You can find healthier recipes to test out and try new foods you may have not tried before. Look up different money saving recipes online to further your riches. Dining in can be a great way to spend quality time with your kids or loved one.

These money challenges have been tried and tested to help all types of savers. Put some of these ideas into action to grow your account. Once you have some cash to stash away, our savings accounts can help you have an accessible, safe place to put your new-found funds. Stop on in today to discuss your options!

Ways You Can Teach Your Kindergartner About Finances


Finding ways to make money fun can be difficult when working with your little one. However, starting money management off right when they’re small is a must! Use these tips and tricks to teach your kid to be a successful money master.

Utilize Clear Jars

Use a clear jar to allow your child to see their money grow. Just talking about how their dollar from yesterday is two dollars today doesn’t click for them. Let them put money into a place where they can continuously see it grow larger and it will maintain their interest in the saving lesson. Show excitement when they add to it because if mommy or daddy is enthusiastic, they will be too!

Start an Allowance

Help your child learn that time is money. Unloading the dishwasher could be worth a dollar while folding all the laundry could be worth two. If one job takes longer than the other, show that with the amount they obtain. Increasing the amount as they age can also show them how you grow with the jobs you get because of your new level of education. Help them see that money is earned, not just given.

Make It Visual

Your youngster will not understand the concept of saving by simply discussing it. Their short attention span calls for some innovation. Make a chart for chores to help them stay on task by coloring in a square next to the chore when it is complete. Different colors can help classify the item as more money or higher importance.

Teach Them to Give

Generosity is also an important lesson to teach at an early age. Have your child pick a cause they are excited about – pet shelters, for example, are a great choice! Your child can see where and what their money is going to. Helping others is a great quality to establish for the future. If they don’t know where to donate to, give them options such as the donation plate at church or a local food shelter. You can also find a place to volunteer their time if money isn’t an option.

Introduce a Side Job

If your kid wants a LEGO set, and they want it now, show them additional chores to do as a side job. Giving them extra ways they can make money here and there can teach them to have a high work ethic. Sometimes you need to work a little more to get the money you need. Setting up a “For Hire” board can help your kindergartner pick up some extra cash by sorting dirty laundry, emptying trash cans or picking up their toys before mom or dad mows the lawn.

These ideas will help aid you in teaching your kids that money doesn’t grow on trees. If you’re looking for other financial lessons and ways your child can learn about saving, stop on in. We’d love to set up a savings account for your youngster!

Savings Tips for College Students


Exciting adventures wait for you while away at college. However, your spending habits may put a damper on the fun. Don’t become one of those students who falls into a deep hole of debt. Stay afloat with some of these simple tips you can implement today!

Avoid Late Fees

Late fees sneak up and build in a hurry. Be sure to utilize apps that will remind you when bills are due and cancel anything unnecessary such as cable or gym memberships.

Limit Eating Out

Going out with friends every Thursday, Friday and Saturday is fun for you, but not your wallet. Limit yourself to two or three times a month. Find some friends to stay in and cook with you – everyone is always up for saving cash!

Establish Good Credit

In college, it can be very easy to slide downhill into bad credit. Work off paying loans on time and establish some savings. This will help you stay on top of your finances, allowing you to have the credit needed to make large purchases, like a car or a home, once you graduate.

Bike It

No need for an expensive new car while working on your education. Continue saving your money instead and buy a bike. It will get you where you need to go – and cost you nothing! Plus, you get a nice workout in as you get from place to place.

Search for Student Discounts

With a school ID, students can get some pretty sweet deals. Before you go out, know where to go and who offers cheaper products and prices for students. Do some research and reap the savings.

Split Grocery Costs

Your roomie wants to save as much as you do. Split your grocery bill when shopping together. You can focus on making casseroles, soups and crock pot meals that will leave you with leftovers for work or in between classes the next day!

Check Out Campus Events

Instead of spending more money off campus, try looking into what your school is already doing. Many schools offer students free tickets to certain events – and they’re worth going to! Grab a few buddies and see what your campus has to offer.

Open a Savings Account

Savings accounts earn interest, so why wouldn’t you want to open one? Work on your financial finesse by letting us help you save your hard-earned money.

These tips are great for college students looking to get better with their finances. If you’re looking for a little more direction, let us help. We’re just a phone call away!